Labaran Najeriya
Ya Wazirin Adamawa, Ka kira Buhari da yi masa Barka – inji Dele Momodu

Sananen Maikudi, Mallami, Mai Gidan Jaridan Ovation, dan siyasa da masana’ancin kasar Najeriya, Dele Momodu ya aika wata sako a yanar gizon nishadarwa ta twitter.
A yayin da Hukumar gudanar da hidimar zaben kasa, INEC ke gabatar da rahotannin kuri’un Jihohin kasar na zaben shugaban kasa, Dele Momodu a kulawarsa na ganin cewa dan takaran shugaban kasa na Jam’iyyar APC, shugaba Muhammadu Buhari na da kuri’u fiye da dan takaran shugaban kasa na Jam’iyyar PDP, Atiku Abubakar, sai ya wallafa wannan sakon.
“Ya Wazirin Adamawa, a matsayin ka na mai bi da ganewa, na san ka bada gaskiya da cewa Allah ne kawai mai bada nasara ya kuma dauke daga duk wanda ya gan dama. Na shawarce ka, kada ga yi jinkiri, ka aika sakon barka ga dan Muhammadu Buhari. Na tabbata akwai ribar da zaka samu daga hakan”.
Ga sakon a kasa kamar yadda ya aika a turance;
My dear WAZIRIN, as a believer, you are aware that only God can give or take power. You've written your name in gold. Do not wait a minute longer. Please, pick that phone and call President Muhammadu Buhari. You have much more to gain Sir… Pass on the burden!
— Dele Momodu Ovation (@DeleMomodu) February 26, 2019
My dear WAZIRIN, every normal human being would feel deeply hurt with the level of garrison operations we recently witnessed. But all wounds ultimately heal, if properly treated. I want you to place Nigeria above every other consideration, no matter how much you feel cheated…
— Dele Momodu Ovation (@DeleMomodu) February 26, 2019
My dear WAZIRIN, please counfound the world by rising up to accept this painful and excruciating development. God has been most kind to you and your family. Your children are well educated and disciplined. Despite the campaign of calumny against you, you rose stoutly in battle…
— Dele Momodu Ovation (@DeleMomodu) February 26, 2019
Ko da shike mutane sun mayar da martani ga wannan da cewa ba daidai bane Atiku ya amince da sakamakon zaben ganin cewa an hada da makirci kwarai da gaske.
Ga kadan daga cikin sakonnan ‘yan Najeriya game da zancen;
Too quick to accept defeat. I never expected this from you. You are to hold on till the official announcement by @inecnigeria.or are you playing to the gallery?
— Nìyí Daniels (@NiyiAfrika01) February 26, 2019
Dear Wazirin, If all you ever wanted was just to write your name in gold, then all the people who died, all the people who suffered, all the people who stayed awake, did it for nothing! Go on! Give up on the people who didn't give up on you!
— EvergreenNG (@Evergre19608021) February 26, 2019
The mesage is hypocritical ! It could have been a genuine mesage wiritten to Wazirin in privacy from a reputable friend . Creating headline news with this advise has denigrated the intention no matter how plausible.
— Dr TundeAnifowoseKelani (@Siegenersabitho) February 26, 2019
I thought this man was cool before now, he should be careful not to lose credibility and respect among his friends and well meaning Nigerians.
— Prince Yugos Amadi (@prince_yugos) February 26, 2019
I disagree with u no this. @atiku u are not GEJ. Don't try, if u do it u will disappoint us it is rigged. Adding of vote to APC and reducing PDP votes. Abj and nassarawa is a case study. It was planned 2 rig by 1st removing d cjn so APC can frustrate u in court. No free boss
— Dandav7 (@Dandav72) February 26, 2019
Mun ruwaito a baya da cewa hukumar gudanar da zaben kasa, INEC sun yi barazanar cewa ba zasu raunana amincin su ba ga zaben shugaban kasa ta shekarar 2019